CCES Information
All players are required to take the CCES Online Course – regardless if you are a rookie or a veteran. The course is open now and must be completed prior to main camp. When you have completed the course, please forward your certificate number on to Meghann (communications@edmontonwildcats.com)
Athlete and Support Personnel Instructions
If you have taken the CCES online course previously:
Please use the login information you created last year. Use the “Lost your password?” function to retrieve your password if you have forgotten it. Do not use the enrollment key again to create a new account.
If you are taking the CCES online course for the first time:
Please use the link below to set up an account on the CCES Online Education portal.
Enrollment Key
You will be prompted to enter your name and your email address, which will generate a unique username.
Enter a password that you will remember.
A message confirming your new username and password will appear on screen, and will also be emailed to you.
Log in with your new username and password.
Go to the “My Courses” folder to begin the course.
You must complete the “Profile” module before you can start the course.
If you return at a later date to start training or to continue a partially completed course, you must log in with your unique username and password. If you use the enrollment key again you will be creating a duplicate account and will have to start your training from the beginning.
If you have trouble logging in, please contact the CCES for assistance.
Athlete Instructions
If you are a first time user you have to complete your profile first. If you a returning user your profile will have a green check mark which confirms that it is completed. You will then see a box that says “My Courses”. Open it and you will see the following:
1) True Sport Clean 101: Complete this course.
2) Football Canada Athlete Acknowledgement: this must be completed following the completion of the course, without it you are not eligible to play.
IMPORTANT: Each item produces a certificate and certificate number. The FOOTBALL CANADA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT CERTIFICATE NUMBER is required in order to be eligible to play or coach. No other numbers will be accepted.
Athlete Support Personnel:
Same as the athletes when you sign in . For the first time user you have to complete a short profile. If you are a returning user, the profile will show with a green check mark as already completed
1) True Sport Clean 101: This must be completed.
2) The Role of the Athlete Support Personnel: a separate item this year that must be completed.
3) Athlete Support Personnel Acknowledgement: a separate item that must be completed.
If you have trouble logging in, please contact the CCES for assistance.
Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport
onlinelearning@cces.ca .